
新宿生まれ。日大芸術学部卒業後、米、ボストン大学に留学、修士課程修了。専攻は電子音楽とユーフォニアム。帰国後高橋幸宏率いるoffice Intenzioに所属。音楽家集団anonymassを結成し4枚のアルバムをリリース。Yellow Magic Orchastraの日本でのライブおよびヨーロッパ、アメリカツアーにサポートメンバーとして参加。コンピューターと管楽器を使ったユニークなスタイルでLove Psychedelico, The Beatniks, Chara, UA, くるり, 吉澤嘉代子他、多数のミュージシャンの録音やライブなどに参加している。METAFIVE、pupa、蓮沼執太フィル、ベーソンズメンバー。2021年までNHK eテレ『ムジカ・ピッコリーノ』音楽監督。また作編曲家としてもCM、サウンドトラックなども多数発表している。
Studied euphonium and electronic music at Boston Graduate School. Completed his master's course.
He returned to Japan in 1995. Formed his own band anonymass and released 4 albums on MIDI records. While in charge of numerous CM music, movie music, etc., he started supporting live performances by Hiroshi Takano and Yukihiro Takahashi, and has participated in all tours such as UA, Chara, Love Psychedelico, Def Tech, Quruli, Koji Tamaki, Yoko Ono, and Kayoko Yoshizawa with wind instruments.
Established a unique style using a computer. With YMO's support, he always participates American and European tours and domestic tours.
Music provided and produced by Naoto Takenaka, MISIA, "Requiem" co-written with Ryuichi Sakamoto, Yukihiro Takahashi's album "page by page", etc.
For seven years, he served as music director for the children's program Musica Piccolino on public broadcasting.
He has been active as a member of the band "In Phase" and METAFIVE, PUPA since 2008, Shuta Hasunuma Phil since 2011.
He founded the music label "Gooondo"since 2014
Studied euphonium and electronic music at Boston Graduate School. Completed his master's course.
He returned to Japan in 1995. Formed his own band anonymass and released 4 albums on MIDI records. While in charge of numerous CM music, movie music, etc., he started supporting live performances by Hiroshi Takano and Yukihiro Takahashi, and has participated in all tours such as UA, Chara, Love Psychedelico, Def Tech, Quruli, Koji Tamaki, Yoko Ono, and Kayoko Yoshizawa with wind instruments.
Established a unique style using a computer. With YMO's support, he always participates American and European tours and domestic tours.
Music provided and produced by Naoto Takenaka, MISIA, "Requiem" co-written with Ryuichi Sakamoto, Yukihiro Takahashi's album "page by page", etc.
For seven years, he served as music director for the children's program Musica Piccolino on public broadcasting.
He has been active as a member of the band "In Phase" and METAFIVE, PUPA since 2008, Shuta Hasunuma Phil since 2011.
He founded the music label "Gooondo"since 2014

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